Why not just name the cam-ata devices the same as the old names?

Alexander Best arundel at freebsd.org
Tue Apr 26 18:20:17 UTC 2011

On Tue Apr 26 11, Doug Barton wrote:
> Alexander,
> I'm not nearly as smart as you are, so please explain to me like I'm 
> dense. :)  Why can we not simply give the devices created by ata-cam the 
> same names they have under the old ata system?

personally i think maintaining backwards compatibility to adX is unnecessary.
the adaY names will appear in 9.0. anybody upgrading to a major new release
should expect to adjust certain config files and it's not really a big deal.

other parts like networking e.g. change variable names for /etc/rc.conf quite
often and even when bumping the minor version number.

however why ATA_CAM is using adaX and not keep the adY naming convention i do
not know.


ps: i know your question was referring to alexander motin. ;) just wanted to
blabber out my 0.02$. ;)

> Thanks,
> Doug
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