FreeBSD 8.1-R/amd64 - zfs 'hangs' - help tracing?

Karl Pielorz kpielorz_lst at
Wed Sep 29 09:33:56 UTC 2010

Hi All,

I moved my machine from FreeBSD 7.2-S/amd64 to 8.1-R/amd64 about a week 
ago. Since then I've noticed that ZFS just 'hangs' - e.g. it'll work fine 
for a few days, then a process will get 'hung up' waiting on ZFS.

The machine is a Tyan motherboard (dual Opteron, dual cores, w/10Gb of 
RAM). 7.2-S & ZFS ran perfectly under it.

Anything else then that touches the pools, also 'hangs' - in top the 
original process shows as:

1927 root        1  44    0  8224K  1544K zio->i  0   0:00  0.00% ls

Anything else that touches the ZFS pools, ends up like:

2082 root        1  44    0 10284K  2976K zfs     3   0:00  0.00% csh

I saw a while ago a command under 8.1 to get 'more info' for these stuck 
processes, but can't for the life of me remember it?

If someone can give me some pointers to try and track down what's hanging?

The drives are spread over two Marvell 88SX6081's. I've tried the mvs 
driver for that controller, which gave me a bucket load of errors, and data 
corruption :(

Switching back to the standard ATA drivers for that card, I just get hangs 
:( - nothing is logged on the console, or syslog when this happens.



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