Converting a non-HAST ZFS pool to a HAST pool

Pawel Jakub Dawidek pjd at
Mon Oct 18 22:26:51 UTC 2010

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 12:03:20PM +0100, Pete French wrote:
> > HAST metadata takes much more space than glabel metadata. The latter
> > takes only one sector, while the former depends on provider size, but we
> > have to keep entire extent bitmap there, so definitely more than one
> > sector.
> I am attempting to do the same thing - convert a ZFS pool over to using
> hast. I have a current setup using gmirror, ggated and a pair of labeled
> drives. Luckily it seems that the meta data used by gmirror+glabel is biiger
> than that used by hast - so I should be able to do this without recreating
> the pool.

Maybe I'm missing something, but how do you guys check this? Both
gmirror and glabel use only single sector for its metadata, so 1kB in
total. HAST metadata takes 4kB plus activemap size, which depends on
provider size.

Pawel Jakub Dawidek             
pjd at                 
FreeBSD committer                         Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!
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