ZFS raidz and 4k sector disks

Alexey Tarasov me at lexasoft.ru
Sun Mar 28 13:03:48 UTC 2010

According to mailing lists, these drives can't be configured to present 4k sectors to OS.
Emulation jumper only changes first LBA number to 1 to made WinXP start first partition from 64 sector (63+1).
May be fresh firmware update can solve this problem.

On 28.03.2010, at 14:44, Ivan Voras wrote:

> AFAIK (I don't have actual experience with them) current 4k drives emulate 512b drives and have a performance penalty in the above scenario. Because of this emulation, ZFS doesn't know you have a 4k drive. If you can, try disabling this emulation and make it present to the operating system as a true 4k drive. Of course, this will make the data on it unreadable - you will have to reformat it, and the drive will be unbootable.
> Good luck and report what you find.
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Alexey Tarasov

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