FreeBSD NFS client goes into infinite retry loop

Steve Polyack korvus at
Sat Mar 20 02:27:47 UTC 2010

On 3/19/2010 9:32 PM, Rick Macklem wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Mar 2010, Steve Polyack wrote:
>> To anyone who is interested: I did some poking around with DTrace, 
>> which led me to the nfsiod client code.
>> In src/sys/nfsclient/nfs_nfsiod.c:
>>        } else {
>>            if (bp->b_iocmd == BIO_READ)
>>                (void) nfs_doio(bp->b_vp, bp, bp->b_rcred, NULL);
>>            else
>>                (void) nfs_doio(bp->b_vp, bp, bp->b_wcred, NULL);
>>        }
> If you look t nfs_doio(), it decides whether or not to mark the buffer
> invalid, based on the return value it gets. Some (EINTR, ETIMEDOUT, EIO)
> are not considered fatal, but the others are. (When the async I/O
> daemons call nfs_doio(), they are threads that couldn't care less if
> the underlying I/O op succeeded. The outcome of the I/O operation
> determines what nfs_doio() does with the buffer cache block.)

I was looking at this and noticed the above after my last post.

>> The result is that my problematic repeatable circumstance begins 
>> logging "nfssvc_iod: iod 0 nfs_doio returned errno: 5" (corresponding 
>> to NFSERR_INVAL?) for each repetition of the failed write.  The only 
>> things triggering this are my failed writes.  I can also see the 
>> nfsiod0 process waking up each iteration.
> Nope, errno 5 is EIO and that's where the problem is. I don't know why
> the server is returning EIO after the file has been deleted on the
> server (I assume you did that when running your little shell script?).

Yes, while running the simple shell script I simply deleted the file on 
the NFS server itself.

>> Do we need some kind of "retry x times then abort" logic within 
>> nfsiod_iod(), or does this belong in the subsequent functions, such 
>> as nfs_doio()?  I think it's best to avoid these sorts of infinite 
>> loops which have the potential to take out the system or overload the 
>> network due to dumb decisions made by unprivileged users.
> Nope, people don't like data not getting written back to a server when
> it is slow or temporarily network partitioned. The only thing that should
> stop a client from retrying a write back to the server is a fatal error
> from the server that says "this won't ever succeed".
> I think we need to figure out if the EIO (NFS3ERR_IO in wireshark) or
> if the server is sending NFS3ERR_STALE and the client is somehow munging
> that into EIO, causing the confusion.

This makes sense.  According to wireshark, the server is indeed 
transmitting "Status: NFS3ERR_IO (5)".  Perhaps this should be STALE 
instead; it sounds more correct than marking it a general IO error.  
Also, the NFS server is serving its share off of a ZFS filesystem, if it 
makes any difference.  I suppose ZFS could be talking to the NFS server 
threads with some mismatched language, but I doubt it.

Thanks for the informative response,

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