Machine stops for some seconds with ZFS

Attila Nagy bra at
Wed Feb 3 18:16:53 UTC 2010

Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> After reading this thread of discussion I see that the subject of the 
> discussion is misleading since the subject provides a conclusion.  It 
> could have said "with FreeBSD" or some other feature of the system.
> The filesystem is obviously a key part of the system so that the 
> system is not very usable without it.
> The mention of strange fan operation (extremely loud and then 
> extremely silent and then extremely loud again) makes it sound like 
> the problem has little to do with the filesystem.  It would cause me 
> to believe that there is something wrong with power management logic, 
> which could be related to software or hardware, but not likely with zfs.
Well, maybe it's my english (I'm not a native speaker), but I thought it 
was clear.
If no, I'm trying to re-structure it again, hopefully this time with 
more luck:
- this machine has been running with FreeBSD 8 and UFS for ages for me 
(well, about two years). Everything was the same, except in the place of 
a mirrored zpool there was a gmirrored UFS (on top of GELI).
- I've switched back to ZFS recently, and noticing the stuff, I've 
written, namely:
- the machine froze after 12 days of operation (I could ping it, TCP 
ports were open, but the console was dead and nothing was accessible on 
the TCP ports besides the three way handshaking)
- during building a world from ZFS, I've noticed that the machine 
occasionally goes very silent. Building world means CPU usage, CPU usage 
means higher temperatures, higher temperatures mean fans spinning 
faster, and fans spinning faster make a lot of noise. So the loudness is 
normal when it builds world. The silency is also normal when it does 
not. But it's not normal when during a buildworld the whole machine 
stops for about 10-30 seconds (stopping means the CPU is so much idle, 
that the machine can completely stop the fans, which during normal 
operation does not occur).

Yes, of course this is ZFS on FreeBSD, I could write that into the 
subject, but if this wasn't on FreeBSD, I would wrote to the OpenSolaris 

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