Questions about FreeBSD and Linux on the same disk

Doug Barton dougb at
Thu Aug 26 23:52:56 UTC 2010

On 8/26/2010 4:00 PM, Matthew Jacob wrote:
> I share systems on disks quite a lot. But my typical usage is have Linux
> be the primary system and use grub to chainboot the FreeBSD partitions.
> If I absolutely must have a shared filesystem between the two, MS-DOS is
> the safest choice.

Ok, that's doable since I'll have a large FAT32 disk that I will be
using for shared data anyway, and on my previous dual-boot (win/freebsd)
I was using symlinks in the freebsd $HOME to the fat32 drive without
problems, so thanks for this answer.

Meanwhile, I just posted the 2nd of my questions to -hackers about
finding a boot manager that can handle booting linux from a logical
volume (which grub can do) and multiple freebsds. From what you wrote
above it sounds like you have the "multiple freebsd" problem licked,
perhaps you could take a look at my post on -hackers and help me out
there too?  :-/

Pressing my luck,


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