support quality (Re: dump | restore fails: unknown tape header type 1853384566)

Daniel O'Connor doconnor at
Wed Mar 25 00:58:15 PDT 2009

On Wednesday 25 March 2009 14:59:36 Mikhail T. wrote:
> Daniel O'Connor написав(ла):
> > People ARE helping you, just because they haven't come up with an answer
> > is no reason to send snarky comments to the list.
> No, sorry, people aren't. They are trying, yes, but not even close. The
> suggestion to eliminate the -a switch (a no-op, in fact) was
> particularly unhelpful -- and deserving of mockery. Later on someone
> with a similar problem will find this thread with a search engine and
> will be trying to follow the posted advices -- to no avail, of course,
> plunging FreeBSD further into disrepute.

I don't see how whining about it's going to change it. Insulting people for 
having a helpful attitude (even if it didn't solve your problem) is not going 
to reward them for their time and effort.

> > Outrage (fake or otherwise) that people don't seem to be taking your
> > particular problem seriously is unhelpful and probably
> > counter-productive.
> It is fairly obvious by now, that no real help will be forthcoming, for
> whatever reason. Thus any talk of "productivity" is moot. Thanks for
> trying.

Except that I offered you a way of transferring your files that would preserve 
file flags and so on.

Yes, dump is broken for you, deal with it. It is quite possible your FS is 
corrupt, and/or your disk is damaged.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software -
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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