Logical Disk to Physical Drive Mapping

Stanislav Sedov stas at FreeBSD.org
Sat Jun 13 16:55:44 UTC 2009

On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 14:53:50 -0600
Peter Jones <mlists at pmade.com> mentioned:

> Given the situation where you have several identical physical drives,
> what is the best way to turn logical labels such as da5 into a physical
> identifier like "the drive in slot 4"?
> It looks like I could use dmesg, some assumptions, and glabel to label
> the logical disks.  However, I plan to use ZFS and as far as I can tell
> glabel doesn't support ZFS.

If you're using ZFS you probably don't need labels at all. AFAIK, ZFS
stores all of its information in the on-disk metadata, and you always
access data via ZFS volume labels.

Stanislav Sedov
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