Reproducible ZFS panic, w/ script (Was: "New" ZFS crash on FS (pool?) unmount/export)

Thomas Backman serenity at
Fri Jul 10 19:25:42 UTC 2009

On Jul 10, 2009, at 21:01, Thomas Backman wrote:
> OK, I've finally written a script that reproduces this panic for me  
> every time (6-7 tries in a row should be good enough, plus one on  
> another box). It would be great to have a few testers - and if you  
> do test it, PLEASE report your results here - positive or negative!
> The main aim is, of course, to provide ZFS devs with their own core  
> dumps, DDB consoles and whatnot to possibly resolve this issue.
> [...]
> Back to the panic:
> The problem appears to be related to clones somehow - the first two  
> times I ran in to this panic (in real use) was when messing with  
> clone/promote... so that's what this script does.
Damnit. Very sorry for the noise, but I just noticed that it IS NOT  
related to the clones. It crashes with the clone/promote lines  
(#77-78) commented out, too...
Now I'm stumped as to where the issue is, I hope the previous mail can  
help track it down.
A very similar setup runs every night, and it "only" crashes about one  
time in 10 or so. This crashes *every* time and I don't really see the  
difference between the commands the scripts run. Oh well...


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