Will XFS be adopted

Dan dan-freebsd-questions at ourbrains.org
Sun Nov 16 21:31:02 PST 2008

James R. Van Artsdalen(james-freebsd-fs2 at jrv.org)@2008.11.16 20:35:37 -0600:
> ZFS has limitations.
> It is not appropriate for "appliance" applications such as the Soekris
> boxes does due to memory consumption.
YES! In my opinion it's not even appropriate for a machine with 2GB of
RAM. Why waste so much RAM on an FS? Does anyone know? Or is this some
sort of conspiracy to sell more bgger boxes. It's Sun, afterall....

> BTRFS will be another filesystem to watch.  Perhaps foreign filesystems
> could be supported out of ports.  But the fundamental limitation, as was
> said, is that someone has to care enough to do the port.

What kinda bugs me is why FreeBSD hasn't adopted a nice journaling FS
until now. Look at Linux - Reiser, EXT3 and XFS/JFS have been in it for
years. What gives with FreeBSD?

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