mounting/reading a DVD

David Schultz das at FreeBSD.ORG
Sat Jan 26 22:06:43 PST 2008

On Sat, Jan 26, 2008, Mikhail Teterin wrote:
> 	g_vfs_done():acd0[READ(offset=4623824896, length=65536)]error = 5
> 	acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x6f ascq=0x04 
> 	g_vfs_done():acd0[READ(offset=4623828992, length=65536)]error = 5
> 	acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x6f ascq=0x04 
> 	...
> ``dd'' refuses to read from /dev/acd0:
> 	dd: /dev/acd0: Invalid argument
> cat tries to, but fails:
> 	cat: stdin: Input/output error
> Is there a step I'm missing? I strongly doubt, the disk is damaged, as I just 
> unwrapped it myself...

libdvdcss can probably help, and you can use mplayer or ogle as a
front end to it. mplayer has an option to copy the tracks to a
file as well. It may be necessary to set the drive's region code
to match the disc's before it allows you to read the track keys.
There's an ioctl for that...

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