mounting/reading a DVD

Mikhail Teterin mi+kde at
Sat Jan 26 20:21:37 PST 2008


I finally got to opening a DVD I received for New Year and wanted to back it 
up before watching.

I mounted the disk:

	/dev/acd0 on /cdrom (cd9660, local, read-only)

and I can list the contents:

	env LANG=C ls -l /cdrom/
	total 8
	dr-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  2048 Oct  6  2005 audio_ts
	dr-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  2048 Oct  6  2005 jacket_p
	dr-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  4096 Oct  6  2005 video_ts

But when I try to copy all that to a hard-drive, I get a ton of read-errors -- 
most of the many files on the disk are unreadable:

	g_vfs_done():acd0[READ(offset=4623824896, length=65536)]error = 5
	acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x6f ascq=0x04 
	g_vfs_done():acd0[READ(offset=4623828992, length=65536)]error = 5
	acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x6f ascq=0x04 

``dd'' refuses to read from /dev/acd0:

	dd: /dev/acd0: Invalid argument

cat tries to, but fails:

	cat: stdin: Input/output error

Is there a step I'm missing? I strongly doubt, the disk is damaged, as I just 
unwrapped it myself...

I'm on FreeBSD/amd64 running 6.3 as of Dec 30th. The DVD-drive is:

	acd0: DVDR <MATSHITADVD-RAM SW-9585/B100> at ata1-master UDMA66



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