Analysis of disk file block with ZFS checksum error

Julian Elischer julian at
Sat Feb 9 04:22:09 UTC 2008

Joe Peterson wrote:
> Julian Elischer wrote:
>> it could be an old file..
>> what kind of disks?
> It's a Seagate ST3500630A parallel ATA drive.
>> I had a scenario where 3ware controllers were just failing to write to
>> a drive in the array, so old data showed through.
> I have an Intel ICH4 controller - nothing unusual.
>> the filesystem and the partitions and the raids all were on different
>> alignments so teh only part of the system that had a boundary that 
>> aligned with the bad data was the physical stripes laid down by the 
>> controller.  It was 64k stripes and 64k data missing, exactly on
>> stripe boundaries. Due to the fact that FreeBSD had partitioned the 
>> drive staring at 63 blocks in, nothing else aligned with the problem.
> Hmm, well this is a straight-forward disk situation - never used RAID on
> this drive.  Give what is happening, I wonder the changes of it being
> HW, OS, or a filesystem issue.
> 					-Joe

still, see whether the 64k lines up with the drive or with
the filesystem (if the filesystem is not on an exact 64k boundary
of the drive).

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