fchroot on unionfs

GW gw.freebsd at tnode.com
Fri Aug 15 13:50:52 UTC 2008

Nejc Škoberne wrote:
> I have a strange problem with Apache not seeing the lower layer of
> unionfs. Using
> ktrace on Apache I have written this C code:

> So without fchdir() call this program just displays (first 511 bytes) of
> /etc/hosts.
> If I uncomment fchdir() call with precedent open(".",...) call, I get this:

Hm, I tried to recreate this, but all attempts failed (mount
above/below, run program directly/in chroot/in jail and under root or
www user). So it seems that it is either fixed or something else on the
system was set differently (sysctl?).


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