noatime on / and /var too ?

Alexandr Kovalenko alexandr.kovalenko at
Tue Sep 11 02:41:00 PDT 2007

2007/9/11, Bill Vermillion <bv at>:
> On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 16:58 Craig Boston saw "Error reading FAT
> table? Try SKINNY table?" And promptly said:
> > On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 03:17:09PM -0700, Gore Jarold wrote:
> > > I know it won't change much since they are not busy
> > > filesystems, but if there is no risk and no "best
> > > practices" reason _not_ to do it, I might as well...
> > I always set noatime on everything for years now and have never
> > run into any problems with it.
> > Unless you're specifically using atime for something (I think
> > some news server software may use it), I can't think of a good
> > reason to leave it enabled.
> > Craig
> I've not seen news software use that by default, but I do
> definately run no atime on my news server.  Even though it's small
> adding 100s to 1000s each day and expiring each night make it
> really un-neccesary to retain the atimes on those.
> I'd say that anything that gets a lot of access to many files,
> and there is no modification to those - archival files, web files,
> etc - that would be a good reason to turn on atime IMO.
> I only use it on user file systems and not on / or /var.

setting noatime to /var may confuse some mail clients, ie mutt

Alexandr Kovalenko

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