du and df discrepancy

Paul Kupfer kupfer at ldc.upenn.edu
Tue Oct 16 09:12:38 PDT 2007

I am seeing a very odd problem on a FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE #0 mail server 
we have.  We originally had a separate scsi device mounted as /var/mail 
(note this was underneath the mountpoint for /var).  We reached a point 
where space on /var was running out, and running a df on that volume would 
show that there was only 160M out of 5.8G available (and 5.2G used).

So I ran "du -hc /var" to see where I could remove some old files.  du 
output shows the total of /var to be 311M, which is vastly different than 
what du tells me.  I thought that this was perhaps a result of the way we 
had things mounted, and so I unmount the /var/mail device and remounted it 
as /mail, then put a symlink from /mail to /var/mail, still no dice, same 

I have not rebooted the machine yet (was hoping I wouldn't have to  since 
it is a mail server).  Is it possible that the inode tables are "out of 
whack" since changing these mountpoints, perhaps an fsck?  Anyone ever 
seen anything like this before?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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