ZFS kmem_map too small.

Craig Boston cb at severious.net
Mon Oct 8 09:27:43 PDT 2007

On Sat, Oct 06, 2007 at 10:46:14AM -0700, Bakul Shah wrote:
> There two differences: R1.11 arc_reclaim_needed() returns 1 when 80%
> of kmem is used, while R1.10 does so at 50% of kmem.

I'll bet it's this change that provokes the problem; as even when
manually tuning the ARC size to 1/2 kmem_size or lower I still sometimes
get panics.  Probably what's happening is kmem usage gets high from
other things, and when there's a sudden spike zfs can't react fast
enough and shrink the ARC.  At 50% it acts more conservatively so
there's more memory available for burst usage.

I noticed that some of the time, on my mostly-stable system, the panic
happens when the nvidia driver is trying to allocate a 128K chunk.
vmstat -m only shows nvidia at ~12MB total though, so I think it just
gets hit because it malloc/frees large blocks more than most subsystems.

The 512MB memory one doesn't run X at all, but it's by far the least
stable of the bunch.  Unfortunately it doesn't seem to want to create
crash dumps for some reason.

> Still, fiddling with limits to make the panic go away seems
> to somehow miss the point as I always worry it will show up
> under other conditions.  May be there a way to ensure that
> kmem_map is never too small or may be zfs can reserve a few
> resources for its own use so that it can get out of a tight
> spot?

I don't think having ZFS reserve resources would help, as at least for
me the kmem_map panic doesn't always happen within ZFS code.  It's just
that the increased kernel memory demands from ZFS are causing it to run
out at times.

I still think the best course is to have ZFS's cache use VM objects like
the buffer cache does, but I know this is a very nontrivial thing to do.


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