Undeleting (possible?)

Fernando Schapachnik fernando at schapachnik.com.ar
Tue Nov 13 10:07:27 PST 2007

Data recovery scenario (on 6.2): mistake while messing with Mail directory...

cd ~
mv Mail/xMail ..
rm -r xMail (should have rm'ed Mail)
No extra writes to the filesystem. Plenty of extra space.

Now I want to recover xMail (contains mbox files). sleuthkit only finds Mail/xMail with no content. It also doesn't find any of the contained mboxes.

Is there still hope? My (limited) understanding is the content should be more or less intact. Problem is: how do I find it?

Thanks for any pointer!

Fernando P. Schapachnik
fernando at schapachnik.com.ar

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