Inode density for database machines - newfs -i

Rick C. Petty rick-freebsd at
Mon Jun 11 20:44:14 UTC 2007

On Mon, Jun 11, 2007 at 10:13:27PM +0200, Ivan Voras wrote:
> Francisco Reyes wrote:
> > The current machine is using 2056 inodes for 1.2TB.. with 3,539,382
> > inodes free. For the next machine I will use a higher number in newfs
> > until I get the number of free Inodes close to 100K. That will give the
> > machine plenty of free inodes.
> How long fsck takes depends on the number of used inodes, not the total
> number.

That's only true if using UFS2, softupdates, and if the cylinder groups
were properly sync'd before shutdown.  Otherwise fsck will scan all inodes.

> Barring a bug in UFS, you should be able to have as little
> inodes as you want, especially if you know for sure what number to expect.
> The only thing that might bite you is if the machine is (sometime in the
> future) reassigned to some other duty that suddely requires a lot of inodes.

In which case, use growfs to reallocate the default number of inodes.


-- Rick C. Petty

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