Looking for a graceful way to disable BG fsck ?

Jason Arnaute non_secure at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 28 16:18:22 UTC 2007

--- Eric Anderson <anderson at freebsd.org> wrote:

> How about setting something like this:
> background_fsck_delay="864000"
> in /etc/rc.conf?  That would make bg fsck wait 10
> days before running. 
> That will still mount the disks rw though, which is
> probably not what 
> you really want.

Thanks - this may be the most useful way to do this.

But you're right - it's not exactly what I want ...
provided that the critical filesystems are already
clean (all I have are /, /var, and (bulk_data)) I wish
it would just come up and say:

"if they're clean, mount them and be happy.  If
they're not, just _don't mount them_.  Just don't do
anything.  You've got your / and /var, so just be
happy and wait for someone to manually bring up

The reason this would work is that / and /var _always_
get foreground fsck'd before the system can go
multi-user anyway ... so they are always safe ...

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