UFS2 with SAN

Chris Haulmark chris at sigd.net
Sat Feb 10 01:42:31 UTC 2007


I am looking into setting up a SAN with several web servers that
will be clustered.  It would be a FC network using Qlogic cards
in each of those FreeBSD web servers.  It would be about 5+
of those web servers.

I want to have the capability to share the same web data across
those web servers.  I have scorched the entire mailing list and 
found that there were some work on GFS porting over to FreeBSD.
It seems like that it is just all talk and if I am wrong, could
you have my head turned over to where I can find out how to enable
GFS on those FreeBSD systems.

If GFS is out of question, which file system am I recommendeded
to attempt to use for this SAN setup?

My first thought to use UFS2 and attempt is to allow only one web
server to have a write/read access while the reminder would be
read only access. That should prevent from lockings that is similar


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