comments on newfs raw disk ? Safe ? (7 terabyte array)

Arone Silimantia aronesimi at
Fri Feb 9 07:02:30 UTC 2007


Big 3ware sata raid with 16 disks.  First two disks are a mirror to 
boot off of.  I installed the system with sysinstall and created all the 
partitions on the boot mirror, etc., and just didn't even touch the 
14-disk array that was also created.

So then I spent hours researching bsdlabel and gpt and blah blah blah, 
and I just got fed up and:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da1 bs=1k count=1
newfs -m 0 /dev/da1
mount /dev/da1 /mnt

And that's that.  But it seems too good to be true!  Can someone please 
comment on this scheme and if there are some hidden dangers or lack of 
functionality that I will regret in the future ?

Will it fsck just like any other UFS2 partition I run ?  Can I run 
quotas and snapshots and everything else on it, just like normal ?

Other than the fact that I can't boot this, is there _any downside 
whatsoever_ to newfs'ing raw disk like this ?

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