Ali Mashtizadeh mashtizadeh at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 05:01:46 UTC 2007

It seems I have a bug with a UDF DVD+R on 6.2-RELEASE. My computer worked
fine when I copied the file from the disc in the console. Later I tried to
access the same file on the DVD and it rebooted when I was in X windows.
Anyone have a similar experience. I couldn't get debugging information on it
yet though :(. The only things that were different between the two access's
the second time I had mounted several NFS shares and was in X windows.

Possibly this could be due to scratches on the disk? There were a couple
small scratches but why would it work on initial boot up and consistently
crash in x-windows? I havn't seen this before but this is my first usage of
UDF since I upgraded all my machines to 6.2-RELEASE.

The only related bug report I found is this:
http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=63305 - It's closed though

Hopefully I can look into this more and provide some kind of debugging
information is anyone has suggestions or has experienced the same thing.

Ali Mashtizadeh
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