[zfs-discuss] ZFS committed to the FreeBSD base.

Rich Teer rich.teer at rite-group.com
Fri Apr 6 06:02:38 UTC 2007

> I'm happy to inform that the ZFS file system is now part of the FreeBSD
> operating system. ZFS is available in the HEAD branch and will be
> available in FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE as an experimental feature.

This is fantastic news!  At the risk of raking over ye olde arguments,
as the old saying goes: "Dual licensing?  We don't need no stinkeen
dual licensing!".  :-)

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OGB member

My Online Home Inventory

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
URLs: http://www.rite-group.com/rich

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