First XTAF implementation available

Rene Ladan r.c.ladan at
Sun Oct 22 11:10:30 PDT 2006


I put a first implementation of the XTAF (xbox 360) file system online

This files in this tarball are relative to /usr/src (RELENG_6 as of
2006-10-22 14:18 UTC).  Apart from new files, it also changes some
existing files, mostly to connect XTAF to the build.

'make buildkernel' and 'make buildworld' succeed on RELENG_6 (CURRENT is
untested), but this code is still highly experimental / unusable.  The
todo-list includes, but is not limited to:

* remove remaining Win95 filename code (XTAF uses 42.0 filenames, just
like DOS uses 8.3 filenames; XTAF filenames are case-preserving and
* remove remaining locale code (XTAF filenames are _probably_ non-localized)
* change endianness of the FAT code (XTAF is big-endian, DOS is little
* adapt the BPB (boot parameter block) to match that of Xbox 360 drives
* find out which FAT size the memory units use (12/16/32 bits), requires
* fix the locking code (!), I probably broke it while removing code
irrelevant to XTAF
* find out if the FAT is mirrored
* find out if the root directory has . and .. entries

If you still like to experiment with it and have the possibility to
attach an Xbox 360 drive to your PC, then _please_ only play with an
image of it ( 'dd if=/dev/daX of=image.dump bs=1m' ), unless you want to
 spend US $100 on each bug in the code :/

GPG fingerprint = E738 5471 D185 7013 0EE0  4FC8 3C1D 6F83 12E1 84F6

"It won't fit on the line."
		-- me, 2001

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