Distributed file systems or the like.

R. B. Riddick arne_woerner at yahoo.com
Thu May 25 11:27:50 PDT 2006

--- "Zane C.B." <zanecb at midwest-connections.com> wrote:
> I am looking for something that will allow my to have multiple servers
> each containing the same filesystem and it is kept up to date in real
> time. Any one have any opinions on AFS or have any other suggestions?
Maybe mysql's master/slave functionality? Or any other database, that offers

CODA is like AFS and supported by FBSD since R2.2.5. In R6.1 there is a kernel
module. Maybe it is worth a try, although I have not found a man page for
coda... There seem to be two versions (coda.ko and coda5.ko)... And I found
ports/net/coda*... In a ReadMe file I found a note, that the coda kernel module
is not SMP-ready...

Or Eric's NFS idea where read access is via NFS and where write access is via
an own mechanism (e. g. each client remembers its update requests until all
storage nodes committed those updates - each client should remember succeeded
commits then, too...). :-))


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