Stress testing the UFS2 filesystem

Scott Long scottl at
Sat May 20 21:48:27 UTC 2006

Jason Arnaute wrote:

> --- Scott Long <scottl at> wrote:
>>Yes, you have a point that snapshots have been
>>broken in
>>the past.  A lot of work has been done recently to
>>them, as well as quotas.  Your trollish digs only
>>all the work being done, and they are not welcome
> If I were complaining about some new feature, some
> advanced new addition to FreeBSD, then I would have no
> place here.  Setbacks and failures are part of any
> project like this.  No arguments there.
> But I am not complaining about some new feature, or
> some cutting edge addition.  I am complaining that a
> bedrock function of the filesystem that has existed in
> UNIX and UNIX-like OS's for _decades_ now no longer
> functions in FreeBSD (quotas).  I am complaining about
> default functionality (snapshots) that was forced down
> the throats of everyone (in the form of bg_fsck) over
> two years ago that has _never worked_, and that 90% of
> users have no idea of its presence or its
> ramifications.
> Go ask Joe sysadmin who just installed FreeBSD 6.1 as
> his companies mailserver if he realizes what will
> happen if he BG fscks a filesystem that has been
> filled to capacity.
> Oh, and yes, I do in fact have a patch for the quota
> issues - it's called FreeBSD 4.x.
> This ridicule is _well deserved_.

# grep complain < rant.eml | wc -w

I think that your quota for complaining has been reached.


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