3Ware Escalade 7450 - Cannot Create Filesystem

R. B. Riddick arne_woerner at yahoo.com
Fri May 5 08:24:05 UTC 2006

--- Matthew Keen <matthewk at adam.com.au> wrote:
> 8 partitions:
> #        size   offset    fstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
>   c: 586067202        0    unused        0     0        # (Cyl.    0 - 
> 36480*)
> ---------------
> mammoth# newfs /dev/twed0s1e
> newfs: /dev/twed0s1e: `e' partition is unavailable
I say, r u sure, u have a partition 'e'? The bsdlabel/disklabel output does not
look like...

Maybe u should add the 'e' partition with
  bsdlabel -e twed0s1
by just adding the line
  e: 586067186 16 4.2BSD 0 0 0
in the end (I think the first 16 sectors of every slice should be reserved for
something I dont know...).

Then u may try successfully the
  newfs /dev/twed0s1e

Just my 2 pennies... :-))


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