UFS2 Snapshots in 6.1-Beta4 - Confirmed Problems

Kris Kennaway kris at obsecurity.org
Thu Mar 23 18:34:19 UTC 2006

On Tue, Mar 21, 2006 at 01:36:44AM -0800, John Kozubik wrote:

> First, I have confirmed that a filesystem with multiple snapshots that
> undergoes multiple, rapid deletions of files, will cause the system to
> hang.  I have witnessed this before, but had not confirmed it or
> documented it in a PR.  Now that I have confirmed this behavior, I have
> documented it in: kern/94769

I ran a (completion of) your script in a loop for about 24 hours and
it didn't deadlock.  This may be because there was a second set of
fixes that was merged in to 6.x a day or two ago.  Are you able to
confirm whether they indeed fixed this problem?

> Second, kern/92292 is still a problem.  I have reproduced this error in
> 6.1-BETA4 (and have seen it happening since 5.1).  The (small) difference
> is that the cp process seems to stick in the flswai state instead of
> biowr.

I'll test this one next.

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