UFS2+Softupdates Corruption Regardless on Seven various systems

Edgar Martinez emartinez at crockettint.com
Wed Jun 29 19:38:55 GMT 2005

Again sorry for the delay. I am back and ready to help as much as possible
on this issue.

When and how do you notice the corruption? 
I found the corruption during a decompression of a large tarball. During the
untarring, the process stopped with an error. Subsequent attempts would stop
randomly in the process. I then did a simple fsck on the fs to see if
anything was amiss...which is when I discovered the problem...This occurred
after 2 months of runtime...

Does it have a particular pattern?

None that I have found...other then long uptimes...
Would it be possible to try a different brand of disk controller in order to
rule out the driver being buggy?

It is a TX2 which has had some pretty nifty support for a while. However
from my understanding of the TX2, it really is not a true hardware
controller...in fact, I would have used atacontrol if I could go back in

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Long [mailto:scottl at samsco.org] 
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2005 8:37 PM
To: emartinez at crockettint.com
Cc: freebsd-fs at freebsd.org
Subject: Re: UFS2+Softupdates Corruption Regardless on Seven various systems

Edgar Martinez wrote:
> All,
> I have a network of FBSD boxen running 5.3 w/ 2x PATA WD1200JB Drives and
> Promise Fastrack TX2 controller in mirror. The systems mainly just pass
> internet traffic and rarely ever touch the disks. After running for a few
> weeks -> months.the disks become corrupted forcing a manual fsck from
> user mode. And since the system is thousands of miles away, it can become
> painful to walk someone with a language barrier thru that.
> Question is WHY does this occur?
> How can you avoid this? 
> What can you do to remotely fix the issue? 
> Any proactive maintenance I need to be doing?
> Did I mention I would like to know WHY?

This certainly sounds like a bug, and is not something that people 
normally see.  When and how do you notice the corruption?  Does it
have a particular pattern?  Would it be possible to try a different
brand of disk controller in order to rule out the driver being


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