very slow fsck on bad disk

Arno J. Klaassen arno at
Wed Sep 3 14:36:30 PDT 2003


is this normal ? :

 - I have a 40G IBM Deskstar IDE disk, about 1-2 years old,
   connected to some -stable Pentium-Pro box
 - a while ago, I got lots of "disk errors", I decided
   to reboot the box, but then it did not recognise the disk
   any longer (so I pulled ou the (data) disk)
 - ...
 - Time passed, I found out that the last backup of that
   disk was rather old, and I'd like to spend some time to
   get of the disk whatever is still readable
 - I manage to find an ASUS-AMD MB, running 5.1-RELEASE
   whos BIOS accepts the disk as secondary master
 - I could not mount the disk, since "I/O Error" or
   something like that
 - I started :

    fsck_ffs -y -b 32 /dev/ad2s1e

I started this .... "last saturday" and it's still running.
When I look at the dmesg or /var/log messages, my eye
got triggered by this :

  Sep  3 23:02:27 tabarnac kernel: ad2: hard error cmd=read fsbn 16405947 status=59 error=40
  Sep  3 23:02:32 tabarnac kernel: ad2: hard error cmd=read fsbn 16405948 status=59 error=40
  Sep  3 23:02:37 tabarnac kernel: ad2: hard error cmd=read fsbn 16405949 status=59 error=40
  Sep  3 23:02:42 tabarnac kernel: ad2: hard error cmd=read fsbn 16405950 status=59 error=40

  Sep  3 23:02:47 tabarnac kernel: ad2: hard error cmd=read fsbn 16769183 of 16769183-16769310 status=59 error=40

  Sep  3 23:02:52 tabarnac kernel: ad2: hard error cmd=read fsbn 16769183 status=59 error=40
  Sep  3 23:02:57 tabarnac kernel: ad2: hard error cmd=read fsbn 16769184 status=59 error=40
  Sep  3 23:03:02 tabarnac kernel: ad2: hard error cmd=read fsbn 16769185 status=59 error=40

i.e., for a long time, every five seconds the error says "next block"
then suddenly, it says "no more errors in between blocks 16405950 and
16769183" (i.e. 363233 blocks ....)
and once again 5 seconds later it says "next block bad as well"

Am i wrong or does this smell like "each surface error is queued
for syslog, syslog print is triggered every 5 seconds, progress
on fsck ata-disks is hold until next syslog message is printed"

Thank you very much in advance.


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