Apple UFS

Brooks Davis brooks at
Thu Oct 9 19:10:47 PDT 2003

On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 08:01:37PM -0600, Scott Long wrote:
> Brooks Davis wrote:
> >Is anyone looking at porting support for Apple UFS volumes from NetBSD?
> >It would be useful to be able to mount them.  If someone is bored,
> >NetBSD PR#17345 looks like it has have most of what you need:
> >
> >
> >
> >If no one does it, I'll proably break down and do it eventually, but I'm
> >hoping someone's already working on it.
> Unfortunately, FreeBSD never followed NetBSD on making our UFS/FFS code
> be endian clean.  I think that it was on the TODO list for UFS2 but
> never happened.  It would be very nice to have though =-)

Ick, I forgot about that issue.  That makes it a lot harder.  The
changes for apple weirdness looked pretty simple.

-- Brooks

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