PATCH: Forcible delaying of UFS (soft)updates

Marko Zec zec at
Thu Apr 17 12:27:13 PDT 2003

On Thursday 17 April 2003 18:40, Terry Lambert wrote:
> Marko Zec wrote:
> > David Schultz wrote:
> > > I was referring to all the places where rushjob is set to or
> > > incremented by syncer_maxdelay.  AFAIK, it should never be that
> > > large.
> >
> > Hmm... Why? :)
> Increased latency; larger pool retention time, larger pool size,
> more kernel memory tied up in dependency lists for longer, more
> operations blocked because a dependency is already on the write
> list, and so locked against modification.

Increasing "rushjob" has only a single consequence, and that is precisely a 
prompt flushing of dirty buffers. Are you sure we are talking about the same 
code here, rushjob in kern/vfs_subr.c, or something completely different?

> > > I don't think you want to overload a low memory handling
> > > mechanism with the task of syncing the disk.
> >
> > As far as I can see the rushjob variable is used only at one place in
> > kern/vfs_subr.c to notify softupdates synching scheduler to start
> > synching earlier than the normal timers would expire. I just reused
> > the same mechanism to urge synching of dirty buffers when the extra
> > delay timer expires, or when outstanding disk I/O occurs, to coalesce
> > disk updates with occasional disk spinups.
> ...and not syncing in the normal place.
> I'm wondering if this really helps some real world situation;
> my gut feeling is that it doesn't, and it increases memory use
> considerably, until it's flushed.

Ignoring fsync _really_ helps in real world situations, if you keep in mind 
that the original purpose of the patch is to keep the disk spinned down and 
save battery power.

> What I'd like to see is a statistics counter of "delayed syncs"
> that occur as a result of doing this, gathered over a period of
> time, along with another statistics counter of "drive spindowns".
> I know that this will probably end up being observer influenced
> enough to be merely anecdotal, but say gather two sets over an
> extended period of use without powering the machine down; the
> first set without the change, and the next set with the change.
> Either way it turns out, it would make a stronger case for or
> against than just hand-waving.  8-).

Such a measurement could turn out to be relevant only if one would precisely 
define a test load. Obviously different results could be expected if the 
machine would be completely idle and if it would be not. Instead of just 
hand-waving, could we just more closely specify what we consider a relevant 
load for a battery-powered laptop? :)


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