Re: [RFC] An idea for general kernel post-processing automation in FreeBSD

From: Hans Petter Selasky <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2023 09:47:02 UTC
On 5/24/23 08:28, Emmanuel Vadot wrote:
>>> +1.


>>> Also, the concern over the runtime for the potential worst-case for qsort
>>> seems_way_  overblown compared to the actual unsorted arrays one will get
>>> out of the linker.  The only possible downside of qsort that matters in
>>> this case is the stack usage.
I think it is fair to say there are two levels of questions:

The first question is:
  Runtime sorting vs Compile time sorting

The second question is:
  Mathematically correct or System/Political correct sorting

Level 1:

1.1) Runtime sorting puts the least requirements on the toolchain. Data 
is concated in an unsorted binary object section. But in order to read 
and debug this section, special tools are needed.

1.2) Compiletime sorting puts more requirements on the toolchain. 
Referring Jessica Clarke, this is a "gross hack". On the other hand, 
debugging and visibility makes this desirable.

Level 2:

Should an appropriate sorting function be used or not?

Typically there are like 1K of entries to sort, but speaking about the 
indexer, there are far less sorting keys for the 1K of entries.

2.1) libkern's qsort() aka

Using Quicksort is basically like first randomizing the data, and then 
sorting it again. It is not optimal in any ways with regards to CPU 
time. But system wise you could save code by using the same sorting 
algorithm over and over again.

2.2) mergesort()

Using mergesort() has a predictable executing time, bound to log2(N) * 
N, where N is the number of elements to sort. The code in question 
already allocates a new array to store the output of the sort, and a 
kernel mergesort() routine could easily use the output array as 
temporary storage.

2.3) radixsort()

There are less 64-bit keys than sysinits, and I see a radix sort 
algorithm would complete in less than log2(N) * N time. Radix sort is an 
in-place sorting algorithm, and requires little code. It works similarly 
to QuickSort, but doesn't go around a guess pivots. It already knows 
them, because there is a sorting key.

2.4) insertionsort()

When arrays are already sorted, the execution time is O(N), else O(N²)

2.5) bubblesort()

Sorting time is more or less constant O(N²).

In case compile time sorting is selected, there is no need for runtime 
sorting. FreeBSD controls the build of all kernel modules, in-tree and 
out-of-the tree. We go by source and not binaries, and that is our 
strength. This can be an ABI contract thing for SYSINITs and kernel modules.

In case runtime sorting is selected, I see a radix sorter as the less 
CPU and stack intensive algorithm. This would be the mathematically 
correct choice. qsort() as-of-today is the politically correct choice. 
Less code, but more CPU and stack.

>> IMO sorting at runtime is a minor feature by itself, too. I mentioned
>> in one of the reviews somewhere, we have in the past have had bugs due
>> to poor specification of sysinit order within a subsystem -- I'm
>> recalling a specific one that wasn't even that long ago, maybe three
>> or four years, that manu@ had hit because he did or didn't include
>> some device in his config that ended up shifting link order of other
>> objects and reversing two sysinits into an order that wasn't actually
>> functional.
>   Yes this problem was a pain to debug (I mean just to understand the
> actual problem), and iirc it was never solved, I only had the issue on
> one machine that I don't use anymore and the problem went away and
> re-apears from time to time when sysinits where added.
>> We can still add some bits to test that (preferably a
>> tunable to reverse order within a subsystem rather than having to
>> re-link the kernel) even with sorting at link-time, but it sure does
>> look a lot less fragile if we have to sort it anyways and we just
>> reverse one criteria.

I think if you could just diff two plaintext files, listing all the 
constructors in the correct order, that would be of great help when 
problems arise in this area. You cannot always rely on having a console 
during bringup.

At the mention of manu@, I remember how difficult it was to bringup the 
graphics driver code and kernel modules which are common among FreeBSD 
desktop users. What do you do, if all you have is a black screen, and 
you need to debug something?

Does it make sense if I enumerate and collect the different views on 
this issue on a WikiPage at, so it doesn't get lost for the 