latest zfs bits on stable 8

Pawel Jakub Dawidek pjd at
Wed Jun 30 07:05:04 UTC 2010

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 10:18:20PM -0700, Tushar Tambay wrote:
> hi pawel,
> we are ready to check in some changes to the common zfs tree, but before
> that happens, the zfs bits in /project/zfs/stable/8 will need to be updated
> to the latest from your tree.
> my understanding is that you were going to request martin to do this. is
> there any further update on this ?

Well, I'm meeting Martin in two days at meetBSD and I'd like to explain
the whole thing to him there.

My idea is to sync to more or less working changeset (last changeset of
user/pjd/zfs/... doesn't even compile atm) and then start to sync only
selected changes (bug fixes mostly).

What I'm doing in user/pjd/zfs/... is to sync all the changes from
OpenSolaris and we don't want that in projects/zfs/..., because changes
from OpenSolaris are comming faster than we can test them and fix them,
so we have to decide where exactly is the point we want to focus on and
don't bring any new features from OpenSolaris to projects/zfs/... - from
this point we should only sync bug fixes from usr/pjd/zfs/...

I'll follow up after meetBSD.

Pawel Jakub Dawidek             
pjd at                 
FreeBSD committer                         Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!
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