Business Info

Melissa Meinert melissa.meinert at
Wed Feb 15 17:19:17 UTC 2017

We sell B2B database email list and can help you generate potential leads for your business. You could use the database for email marketing, telemarketing and direct marketing initiatives.
Industrial List:- Agribusiness, Automotive, Commercial Banking, Consumer Electronics, Defense & Security, Food & Drink, Freight Transport, Information Technology, Infrastructure, Insurance, Medical Devices, Metals, Mining, Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare, Power, Real Estate, Renewable, Retail, Shipping, Telecommunications, Tourism, Water, etc.
Job Functions: - CFO, CEO, CMO, COO, CIO, CTO, CAO, CSO, Vice Presidents, Presidents, Directors, Heads, Managers, Executives, Analysts, Coordinators, etc.
Geography we cover: - USA, Europe, Asia, Australia, Middle East, Africa with 100% database and data usage for multi-channel marketing purpose.
Please let me know your thoughts so that I can send you price list and more details regarding this and a convenience Time to call, and other Services.



Database Consultant

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