disk is full

473219 at googlemail.com 473219 at googlemail.com
Sun Dec 31 01:13:21 PST 2006

On 31/12/06, Servando Garcia <servando at mac.com> wrote:
> Hello List. I am new to FreeBSD. I just installed FreeBSD 6.1 I have truly enjoyed the whole install experience.  I have overcome all my install problems save one.
> I have KDE 3.5 installed. All is well except I can not save anything. I get an error stating that the disk is full. I am sure this can not be as I have a 40GB harddrive. I am sure it is a setting issue.
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You're asking on the wrong list really.  This list is for discussion
of Trusted BSD, which is a set of security extensions targetted at
very specialist uses (e.g. government/military systems).

You'll get more answers on one of the other lists such as FreeBSD-questions.




To answer your question, it's difficult without seeing the actual
error message you got, but I wonder whether your 40GB disk is split up
into partitions which are not of the correct sizes?  To begin with, I
would tend to go with the Automatic ('A') option in the installer,
which will make small partitions for the ones that don't get used
much, and a large partition for /usr.  You can always create a symlink
into a directory in /usr if you find you need more space for some
purpose (e.g. logs under /var).

You can use the command 'df -h' to show you how big (and how full)
each partition is.

# df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a    9.7G     85M    8.8G     1%    /
/dev/ad0s1e    9.7G     14K    8.9G     0%    /tmp
/dev/ad0s1f    330G    143G    161G    47%    /usr
/dev/ad0s1d    9.7G    179M    8.7G     2%    /var

In this example, I had a huge disk, so I made /, /tmp and /var a few
Gigs each.  But only /usr really needs much space.  1GB would have
been more than enough for the everything except /usr, which is where
the ports collection lives, along with all my personal files.  So, run
"df -h" on your machine and see what's going on.

Hope this helps.

- Martin.

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