MAC tutorial (tutorial attached)

User BUGGHY bugghy at
Thu Apr 22 09:52:58 GMT 2004

Hash: SHA1

	Hy, I've written a tutorial about implementing MAC in FreeBSD
(considerring the handbook doesn't provide enough information to setup
mac). I would like to receive your comments about it, eventually some
better implementation of the things discussed there and/or some policy
examples. (couldn't find anything on search engines)


- -------------------------
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (FreeBSD)

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			       | TrustedBSD Mandatory Access Control framework |
Written by: Bugghy
E-mail: bugghy at

Comments/errors/bugs/jokes > bugghy at


1. Introduction
2. Simple policies
3. Advanced policies
4. Full example
5. Notes
6. Link of the day
7. Last words


1. Introduction

	I've written this tutorial because FreeBSD's handbook 
	( didn't offer enough 
	information on how to correctly/safely install/configure/use MAC on a workstation. Please 
	refer to the man pages and handbook for detailed explanation on how everything works.

	MAC (mandatory access control) is used to introduce system security modules in order to fortify 
	the default lack of security policies in most unices. This paper discusses the 
	instalation/configuration and basic use of the following policies: 

	mac_seeotheruids, mac_bsdextended, mac_ifoff, mac_portacl, mac_test, mac_none, mac_stub
	mac_partition, mac_mls, mac_biba, mac_lomac

	Compile your kernel with the new policies by adding the following line in the kernel conf. file:
		options MAC

2. Simple policies

	These policies work without the use of the labelling feature:

	A. mac_seeotheruids (man mac_seeotheruids)

			$ ps ax |wc -l
			# kldload mac_seeotheruids
			# sysctl security.mac.seeotheruids.enabled=1
			^^^ this is the default behaviour (use sysctl.conf to make permanent changes)
			$ ps ax | wc -l

		You can exempt a groupd ID from the policy:
			$ id -G
			$ ps ax | wc -l
			# sysctl security.mac.seeotheruids.specificgid_enabled=1
			# sysctl security.mac.seeotheruids.specificgid=2000
			$ id -G
			$ ps ax | wc -l

		Or even let users see their primary groups processes: (remember to set seeotheruids.specificgid_enabled to 0)

			# sysctl security.mac.seeotheruids.primarygroup_enabled=1
			$ id -G
			# ps ax | wc -l
			(my 30 processes + 5 others owned by the same group)

	B. mac_bsdextended

		Ever used ipfw ? This is fsfw (file system firewall).

			# kldload mac_bsdextended
			# ugidfw list
			0 slots, 0 rules

			# cat rc.mac_bsdextended
				while [ ${i} -le 4 ]
				ugidfw remove ${i}
				i=`expr ${i} + 1`
				ugidfw set 0 subject uid new object uid root mode rsx
				ugidfw set 1 subject uid new object gid wheel mode rsx
				# yes, /bin/ls works now
				ugidfw set 2 subject uid new object uid bugghy mode n
				ugidfw set 3 subject uid new object gid bugghy mode n
				# owned by bugghy == private :)
				ugidfw set 4 subject uid new object gid nobody mode n
				# new can't "locate | grep /home/bugghy" anymore <-- BIG security risk
				# you can deny other groups (from /etc/group) or users (/etc/passwd)

			$ id -u -nr
			$ echo sex > /tmp/bug; chmod a+rwx /tmp/bug; ls -l /tmp/bug
			-rwxrwxrwx    1 bugghy   wheel           4 Apr  5 20:05 bug*
			$ id -u -nr
			$ ls -l /home
			ls: bugghy: Permission denied
			total 4
			drwxr-xr-x  2 new    new    512 Mar 28 15:09 new
			$ ls /tmp/bug
			ls: /tmp/bug: Permission denied

	C. mac_ifoff

			# kldload mac_ifoff
			$ ping -c 1
			PING ( 56 data bytes
			64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.203 ms

			--- ping statistics ---
			1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
			round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.203/0.203/0.203/0.000 ms
			# sysctl security.mac.ifoff.lo_enabled=0
			$ ping -c 1
			PING ( 56 data bytes

			--- ping statistics ---
			1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

			# sysctl security.mac.ifoff.other_enabled=1
			^^^ we enable external interface (which is disabled by default)
			You can write a script that runs aide (with a proper config file) and if it finds modified
			files in the protected directories it won't allow external network traffic.
			# sysctl security.mac.ifoff.bpfrecv_enabled=1
			^^^ allows Berkeley Packet Filter traffic (man 4 bpf)

	D. mac_portacl
		To enable mac policies on sockets "sysctl security.mac.enforce_socket=1": (default value)

			# kldload mac_portacl

			# sysctl net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedlow=0
			sysctl net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedlow: 0 -> 0
			# sysctl net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh=1000
			sysctl net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh: 1023 -> 1000
			# sysctl security.mac.portacl.port_high=1010
			security.mac.portacl.port_high: 1000 -> 1010
			# sysctl security.mac.portacl.suser_exempt=0
			^^^ rules apply for root too
			$ id -u
			$ nc -l -p 1000
			Can't grab with bind : Operation not permitted
			^^^ the ip.portrange.reservedhigh limit works
			$ nc -l -p 1010
			Can't grab with bind : Operation not permitted
			^^^ the mac.portacl.port_high limit works too
			# sysctl security.mac.portacl.rules=uid:2000:tcp:1000,uid:2000:tcp:1010
			^^^ we enforce 2 rules (the first tries to bypass ip.portrange.reservedhigh
			and the 2nd tries to bypass mac.portacl.port_high)
			$ nc -l -p 1000
			Can't grab with bind : Permission denied
			^^^ mac.portacl allows port 1000 binding while ip.portrange.reservedhigh doesn't
			$ nc -l -p 1010
			^^^ works due to our firewall rule
			NOTE: A basic security policy would be:
			# cat rc.mac_portacl
				# allow uid 2000 to bind to port 79 and 80
				sysctl net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedlow=0
				sysctl net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh=50
				# first 50 ports are accessible only by root
				sysctl security.mac.portacl.port_high=1023
				# our policy works for 50 -> 1023
				sysctl security.mac.portacl.suser_exempt=1
				# root doesn't need the policy
				sysctl security.mac.portacl.rules=$rules

	E. mac_test

		Tests the mac framework, finds corrupt labels amongst other things.

			# kldload mac_test
			# sysctl security.mac.test
			security.mac.test.enabled: 1
			security.mac.test.slot: 2
			security.mac.test.init_count_bpfdesc: 0
			security.mac.test.init_count_cred: 1920
			security.mac.test.init_count_devfsdirent: 0
			security.mac.test.init_count_ifnet: 0
			(big output)

	F. mac_none

		No effect.

			# kldload mac_none

	G. mac_stub

		Sample policy that does nothing (man 4 mac_stub)

			# kldload mac_stub

3. Advanced policies

        These policies need labelling. (man 7 maclabel, man 4 mac)

	setfmac, setfsmac	- set file system labels
	setpmac			- set process mac
	ifconfig 		- set network interface label
	login.conf		- set tty/user label

	I. login.conf labelling:

		Example for the mac_partition and mac_mls policy:

				:path=~/bin /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin:\
				:manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/local/man:\

			^^^ We create a new label in login.conf named insecure
			(don't forget to run cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf after that)
			# pw user mod new -L insecure
			^^^ we set the user's label to insecure

	II. ifconfig labelling:

			# ifconfig rl0 maclabel 'biba/high(low-high)'
			^^^ set high for incomming packets and all for outgoing

	III. setfmac, setfsmac labelling:

		Boot to single user to enable multilabelling: (man 8 tunefs)

			# tunefs -l enable /; tunefs -l enable /home

		Exit single user and test:

			# ls -lZa test 
			-rw-r--r--  1 root  new  mls/low 0 Apr  6 16:01 test
			# setfmac mls/equal test
			# getfmac test 
			test: mls/equal
			# tail -n 1 mls-policy.txt
			/home/new/test                mls/high
			# setfsmac -f mls-policy.txt test
			setfsmac: mls-policy.txt: read 23 specifications
			# getfmac test 
			test: mls/high

		We are set:

			$ pw user show new | awk -F\: '{ print $5 }'
			^^^ user new's label is insecure
			$ id -P
			new:*:2000:2000:insecure:0:0:User &:/home/new:/bin/sh

	A. mac_partition

			# kldload mac_partition
			# top

			$ id -u
			$ ps -Za|grep top
			^^^ we can't see top as the insecure user
			# killall -9 top

			# setpmac partition/13 top
			^^^ we label top to our label 

			$ ps -Z
			LABEL          PID   TT  STAT      TIME COMMAND
			partition/13   4701  v1  SL     0:00.07 -su (sh)
			partition/13   4783  v1  RL+    0:00.00 ps -Z
			$ ps -ZU root
			partition/13   976  p3  S+     0:00.02 top
			^^^ we can see top now (even if owned by root)		

			You can disable all services from /etc/rc.conf and make a script to launch them
			manually with proper labelling. (Why should an insecure user see cron running?)
			Or even mess with the login scripts:

			# setpmac partition/50 bash
			# id -u
			# pw user show root    
			root:*:0:0::0:0:Charlie &:/root:/usr/local/bin/bash
			# ps Zax
			partition/50  1136  p3  S      0:00.06 bash
			partition/50  1169  p3  R+     0:00.00 ps Zax
			^^^ even root can only see his own partition processes

	B. mac_mls

		mac_mls prevents the downward flow of information

		Set default's label to "mls/equal(equal-equal)" and insecure's label to "mls/5(5-5)"
	        in /etc/login.conf (Do: cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf). Add "mac_mls_load="YES"" to 
		/boot/loader.conf. Reboot.

			$ id -u
			$ getpmac
			$ ls -lZ /dev/kmem
			ls: /dev/kmem: Permission denied
			^^^ filesystem protection is in place

			# echo s > test1; echo e > test2; echo x > test3
			# getfmac test2
			test: mls/equal
			# setfmac mls/1 test1; setfmac mls/10 test3
			# chown new:new test?

			Observation test:

			$ ls test?
			ls: test3: Permission denied
			test1   test2
			^^^ we can't observe higher clearance level

			Read test:

			$ cat test?
			cat: test3: Permission denied
			^^^ higher clearance level dissallows read

			Write test:

			$  echo 1 > test1
			cannot create test1: Permission denied
			$  echo 1 > test2
			$  echo 1 > test3

			$ cat test?
			cat: test3: Permission denied
			# cat test3
			^^^ we can write to equal or higher, but not lower

			NOTE: lower clearance can't observe higher clearance processes
			A basic policy would be to enforce mls/high on everything not to be
			read (even if it needs to be written) mls/low on everything not to be
			written (even if it needs to be read) and mls/equal on the rest. Any
			insecure users should be labelled mls/low.

	C. mac_biba

		mac_biba prevents the upward flow of information

		For this, the default label in /etc/login.conf will be "biba/equal(equal-equal)", 
		insecure's label will be "biba/5". Run "cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf" also add 
		mac_biba_load="YES" to loader.conf. Reboot.

                        $ id -u
			$ getpmac
			$ ls -lZ /dev/kmem
			crw-r-----  1 root  kmem  biba/high   2,   1 Apr  7 08:23 /dev/kmem
			^^^ filesystem protection is in place

			Let the tests begin:

			# echo s > test1; echo e > test2; echo x > test3; echo o > test4; echo r > test5
			# getfmac test2
			test2: biba/high
			# setfmac biba/2 test1; setfmac biba/4 test2; setfmac biba/5 test3; setfmac biba/6 test4; setfmac biba/9 test5
			# chown new:new test?

			Observation test:

			$ ls test?; echo; cat test?
			ls: test1: Permission denied
			ls: test2: Permission denied
			test3   test4   test5

			cat: test1: Permission denied
			cat: test2: Permission denied
			^^^ a higher integrity subject can't observe or read a lower integrity object

			Write test:

			$ echo 1 > test1
			$ echo 1 > test2
			$ echo 1 > test3
			$ echo 1 > test4
			cannot create test4: Permission denied
			$ echo 1 > test5
			cannot create test5: Permission denied
			$ cat test?
			cat: test1: Permission denied
			cat: test2: Permission denied
			^^^ a lower integrity subject can't write to a higher integrity subject

	D. mac_lomac (man 4 mac_lomac)

                While mac_biba denies access to lower integrity objects, mac_lomac    
                permits access to them, but downgrades the integrity level thus not   
                violating the integrity rules. (yes I've taken this from the man page)

		See section 5. (Notes) part IV. for details about why I didn't explain this policy.

4. Full example

	I. Preparation:

		We will use the following policies to build a secure environment on a FreeBSD 5.2.1 workstation:

			mac_seeotheruids, mac_partition, mac_mls, mac_biba

			We boot in single user mode and "tunefs -l enable" all partitions.

			We add the following modules to loader.conf and then reboot:

			# tail -n 6 /boot/loader.conf

			# kldstat | grep mac
			 4    1 0xc070d000 7cdc     mac_biba.ko
			 5    1 0xc0715000 7e5c     mac_mls.ko
			 9    1 0xc21e0000 2000     mac_seeotheruids.ko
			12    1 0xc21e9000 2000     mac_partition.ko
			^^^ Modules are loaded

                        We edit /etc/login.conf and add the following lines:

                        # tail -n 25 /etc/login.conf

                                :path=~/bin /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin:\
                                :manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/local/man:\

			We also label the default class in order not to interfere with us:

				# cat /etc/login.conf|grep -A 25 "default:\\\\" | grep label

                        # cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf

			# adduser  
			Username: new
			Full name: test user
			Uid (Leave empty for default): 2000
			Login group [new]: 
			Login group is new. Invite new into other groups? []: 
			Login class [default]: insecure
			Shell (sh csh tcsh bash nologin) [sh]: bash
			Home directory [/home/new]: 
			Use password-based authentication? [yes]: 
			Use an empty password? (yes/no) [no]: 
			Use a random password? (yes/no) [no]: yes
			Lock out the account after creation? [no]: 
			Username   : new
			Password   : <random>
			Full Name  : test user
			Uid        : 2000
			Class      : insecure
			Groups     : new 
			Home       : /home/new
			Shell      : /bin/bash
			Locked     : no
			OK? (yes/no): yes
			adduser: INFO: Successfully added (new) to the user database.
			adduser: INFO: Password for (new) is: VOdCyK11E2p
			Add another user? (yes/no): no

			# su -s - new
			$ id -u
			^^^ from now "$" is the new user and "#" is root
			$ pw user show new
			new:*:2000:2000:insecure:0:0:test user:/home/new:/bin/bash

	II. Implementation and tests:

			$ getpmac

			# setpmac partition/15,mls/equal top
			Note: the top process will be killed before we start another top process.

		A. mac_seeotheruids test

			$ ps Zax
                        biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15  1096 #C:  S      0:00.03 -su (bash)
                        biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15  1101 #C:  R+     0:00.01 ps Zax
			^^^ we can't see processes except our own

		B. mac_partition test

			# sysctl sysctl security.mac.seeotheruids.enabled=0
			^^^ it will remain off for the rest of the example

			$ ps Zax
			LABEL                                                   PID  TT  STAT      TIME COMMAND
			biba/equal(low-high),mls/equal(low-high),partition/15  1122 #C:  S+     0:00.02 top
			biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15              1096 #C:  S      0:00.05 -su (bash)
			biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15              1123 #C:  R+     0:00.01 ps Zax
			^^^ we can now see all processes in our partition (15)

		C. mac_biba and mac_mls test

			# setpmac partition/15,mls/equal,biba/high\(high-high\) top

			$ ps Zax
			LABEL                                      		PID  TT  STAT    TIME 	COMMAND
			biba/high(high-high),mls/equal(low-high),partition/15  	1251 #C:  S+     0:00.02 top
			biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15  		1096 #C:  S      0:00.06 -su (bash)
			biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15  		1157 #C:  R+     0:00.00 ps Zax
			^^^ biba allows us to read higher labelled objects

			# setpmac partition/15,mls/equal,biba/low top

			$ ps Zax
			LABEL                                       PID  TT  STAT      TIME COMMAND
			biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15  1096 #C:  S      0:00.07 -su (bash)
			biba/15(15-15),mls/15(15-15),partition/15  1226 #C:  R+     0:00.01 ps Zax
			^^^ biba doesn't allow lower labelled objects to be read (mls does!)

			$ ifconfig rl0 | grep maclabel
			maclabel biba/low(low-low),mls/low(low-low)
			$ ping -c 1
			PING ( 56 data bytes
			ping: sendto: Permission denied
			^^^ everyone pings
			You can set the default interface label to an insecure one (for testing purposes)
			Add security.mac.biba.trust_all_interfaces=1 to sysctl.conf
			This is caused due to the default policy label in the biba policy. Taken from:

			# ifconfig rl0 maclabel biba/equal\(low-high\),mls/equal\(low-high\)
			$ ping -c 1
			PING ( 56 data bytes
			64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=50 time=204.455 ms

			--- ping statistics ---
			1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
			round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 204.455/204.455/204.455/0.000 ms
			^^^ pinging works now

			# touch test1 test2 test3 test4 test5     
			# getfmac test1
			test1: biba/equal,mls/equal
			# setfmac biba/low test1 test2; setfmac biba/high test4 test5; setfmac mls/low test1 test3; setfmac mls/high test2 test4
			^^^ can you keep up? :)
			# setfmac mls/equal,biba/equal test3
			# getfmac test?
			test1: biba/low,mls/low
			test2: biba/low,mls/high
			test3: biba/equal,mls/equal
			test4: biba/high,mls/high
			test5: biba/high,mls/equal
			# chown new:new test?
			^^^ owned by our user

			Observation/read test:

			$ ls
			test1   test2   test3   test4   test5
			$ ls test?
			ls: test1: Permission denied
			ls: test2: Permission denied
			ls: test4: Permission denied
			test3   test5
			^^^ we can't observe pairs (biba/low,mls/low) (biba/low,mls/high) and (biba/high,mls/high)
			(and of course, we can't read them)

			Writting test:

			$ for i in `echo test*`; do echo 1 > $i; done
			-su: test1: Permission denied
			-su: test4: Permission denied
			-su: test5: Permission denied
			^^^ we can write to pairs (biba/low,mls/high) and (biba/equal,mls/equal)
			$ cat test?
			cat: test1: Permission denied
			cat: test2: Permission denied
			cat: test4: Permission denied
			# cat test2
			^^^ yep, worked

	III. Conclusion:
		A good security system will have good biba/lomac/mls policies, see for an example.
		Download file, edit it to suid your needs and then run:	

			# setfsmac -ef lomac-policy.contexts /

5. Notes

	I. I had problem when unloading module mac_partition after playing with labelling:  

		module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (mac_partition, 0xc04c3480, 0xc2114e20) error 12

		^^^ after this I can't load the module anymore.

	II. Running startx as with as mls/equal(equal-equal) (biba/equal, lomac/equal) allows us to su
	into a lowclass/highclass user: (run from xterm)

			# getpmac
			# su - new
			$ getpmac
			# su -s - new
			$ getpmac

	III. If subjects can read an object, they can also execute it.
			# echo ls > test1; echo ls > test2; echo ls > test3; echo ls > test4; echo ls > test5
			# setfmac biba/2 test1; setfmac biba/4 test2; setfmac biba/5 test3; setfmac biba/6 test4; setfmac biba/9 test5
			# chmod +x test?

			$ getpmac
			$ ./test1
			./test1: Permission denied
			$ ./test2
			./test2: Permission denied
			$ ./test3
			test1   test2   test3   test4   test5
			$ ./test4
			test1   test2   test3   test4   test5
			$ ./test5
			test1   test2   test3   test4   test5

	IV. mac_lomac
                I wasn't able to load this policy, so I couldn't test it.
                In login.conf I've set: "lomac/equal" to default class and
                "lomac/15" to insecure class. In messages I get:
                Apr  7 09:47:12 illusion kernel: Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/mac_lomac.ko" at 0xc077a4bc.
                Apr  7 09:47:12 illusion kernel: Security policy loaded: TrustedBSD MAC/LOMAC (mac_lomac)
                The module is loaded:

                # kldstat | grep mac_lomac
                 6    1 0xc071d000 951c     mac_lomac.ko

                Files don't have default labelling:

                # getfmac /dev/kmem
                /dev/kmem: mls/high

                And I can't label files:

                # setfmac lomac/equal test2; getfmac test2
                test2: mls/equal

6. Links of the day

	FreeBSD security:

7. Last words

	This tutorial is in alpha state so please send me comments to bugghy at

- ---------------------
	This file is for [of course] informational purposes only. <giggle> I
	don't take responsibility for anything anyone does after reading this file.


	man pages (FBSD site)
	trial and error
	own experience
	my own mind (yeah ... sure)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (FreeBSD)


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