Exciting project

Dr. Evil drevil at sidereal.kz
Sun Dec 9 00:46:00 GMT 2001

This project is very exciting.  It seems to me that the end goal of
any security hack on a Unix system is "get root".  With TrustedBSD,
there is no more root to get, so all these hacks become impossible,

I have a few general questions about TrustedBSD:

Will TrustedBSD become merged with FreeBSD (as many of the patches so
far have been), or will it be a fork off from FreeBSD (so there will
then be FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, BSDi, and TrustedBSD)?  I hope it
will be merged.  I know many people would worry that it will make Unix
more complicated but I think it will actually simplify many things,
because right now they try to achieve partitioning using things like
file perms, and it's a mess.

What is the difference between TrustedBSD and EROS?  Obviously, one is
BSD and the other is not, so TrustedBSD will be able to run a lot of
software right away, but beyond that, what are the design theory

And finally, when can we try this out in beta?


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