X/smtp servers (was Re: TrustedBSD Extensions Project)

jont at us.ibm.com jont at us.ibm.com
Wed Apr 12 20:15:05 GMT 2000

Sorry my previous post was less than clear, I lost sight of the forest
for the trees.

I think I want to make two points, IMO:

  1) B1 access control (MLS/lattice + user DAC) is inadequate,
  it needs to be extended to support role-based access control (RBAC),
  and probably an integrity model such as type enforcement.

  2) Large user-mode servers don't really follow (they can't) the
  principle of least privilege.  Therefore it is a mistake to "improve"
  such large servers rather than to re-architect them to solve the
  privilege problems.

One question which then arises is which large services can be
re-architected ? and which need to tweaked ?

As I noted sendmail has already been re-architected (several times :-),
as I believe has usenet news software.

Clearly my suggestion for GGI(+X) over straight X is contentious.
Perhaps it should be taken out of the main list ...
Or perhaps its a non-issue at this point in time due to lack of resources.

- JonT
Jon Tidswell
Advanced OS Technology Group / Sawmill Linux Project
IBM TJ Watson Research Center 30 Saw Mill River Road, Hawthorne, N.Y. 10532

Email: jont at us.ibm.com   Voice: +1 914 784 7550

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