PERFORCE change 43303 for review

Robert Watson rwatson at
Tue Dec 2 16:35:40 GMT 2003

Change 43303 by rwatson at rwatson_powerbook on 2003/12/02 08:34:58

	High level install targets for libraries, et al.

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/trustedbsd/sedarwin/Makefile#2 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/trustedbsd/sedarwin/Makefile#2 (text+ko) ====

@@ -3,8 +3,32 @@
 	@echo Please following the directions in bootstrap_instructions.txt
-TBSDHEADERS=apsl/xnu/bsd/sys/extattr.h apsl/xnu/bsd/sys/mac.h apsl/xnu/bsd/sys/_label.h
+TBSDHEADERS=apsl/xnu/bsd/sys/extattr.h apsl/xnu/bsd/sys/mac.h apsl/xnu/bsd/sys/_label.h \
+    apsl/xnu/bsd/sys/ucred.h
 	install -m 444 -o root -g wheel $(TBSDHEADERS) /usr/include/sys
 	cd libsebsd; make install-headers; cd ..
+	(cd libextattr ; make)
+	(cd libmac ; make)
+	(cd libsebsd ; make)
+	(cd libextattr ; make install)
+	(cd libmac ; make install)
+	(cd libsebsd ; make install)
+	(cd extattr_cmds ; make)
+	(cd mac_cmds ; make)
+	(cd sebsd_cmds ; make)
+	(cd sebsd_system ; make)
+	(cd extattr_cmds ; make install)
+	(cd mac_cmds ; make install)
+	(cd sebsd_cmds ; make install)
+	(cd sebsd_system ; make install)
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