Is a bug in function getauditflagschar() of libbsm?!

Yuan MailList yuan.maillist at
Mon Nov 14 13:34:08 GMT 2005


In /openbsm/libbsm/bsm_flags.c, function getauditflagschar() converts the
au_mask_t fields into a string value. There are codes followed as:

1: for (setauclass(); (c = getauclassent()) != NULL;
2: free_au_class_ent(c)) {

3: ... ...

4: }

In /openbsm/libbsm/bsm_flags.c, function getauclassent() returns the next
au_class_ent structure from the file. There are codes followed as:

5: /* Parse tokptr to au_class_ent components. */
6: if (classfromstr(tokptr, delim, c) == NULL) {
7: ... ...
8: return (NULL);
9: }

*If *

(1) there are lines in /etc/security/audit_class :

# This file must match audit.h

(2) in my own program, there are

char flags[256];
au_mask_t pmask;
pmask.am_failure=pmask.am_failure = 128;
(void) getauditflagschar(flags, &pmask, 0);

The wantted result should be:


The result now is:


The function getauclassent() will always return NULL in line 8, when reading
"#" from configure file /etc/security/audit_class. So the function
getauditflagschar() will always return in line 1.

In my opinion, the for{} statement should loop until file is ended.

Any problems in my opinion? And how to patch it?
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