TrustedBSD Audit Project

richard offer offer at
Mon Oct 8 22:32:38 GMT 2001

* frm gersh at "10/08/2001 02:52:28 PM -0700" | sed '1,$s/^/* /'
* From the mail that richard had sent out I rember a section saying
* something like.
* "The audit record has to be stored, or else the event cannot take
* place".  I would assume that this means we have to be able to write the
* record to disk before the action can be allowde to take place.  
* Im not sure what kind of performence impacts this will have.

I can't remember what the exact wording of the requirements are, your
quoting would have major impact on any design, such that I thing the
wording is more likely to be "The audit record has to be stored, or else
*further* events cannot take place".


Richard Offer                     Technical Lead, Trust Technology, SGI
"Specialization is for insects"

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