svn commit: r218347 - stable/8/sys/dev/ata/chipsets

Bob Willcox bob at
Sun Mar 20 16:30:35 UTC 2011

On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 04:18:02PM +0200, Alexander Motin wrote:
> Bob Willcox wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 01:41:30AM +0200, Alexander Motin wrote:
> >> On 16.03.2011 15:51, Bob Willcox wrote:
> >>> This change has broken SATA disk support on my Intel Atom D525 ITX system. By
> >>> reverting this change 8.2-STABLE works again on this system.
> >>>
> >>> My 'uname -a' output is:
> >>>
> >>> FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE #6: Wed Mar 16 08:15:43 CDT 2011     bob at  amd64
> >>>
> >>> When booting the system I get tons of these messages:
> >>>
> >>> Mar 16 07:38:19 maul kernel: ad4: WARNING - SETFEATURES ENABLE RCACHE requeued due to channel reset
> >>> Mar 16 07:38:19 maul kernel: ad4: interrupt on idle channel ignored
> >> As I can see, it means that channel has some active request, but it is 
> >> in IDLE state. It is strange, but I won't be surprised much if it is the 
> >> result of some locking problem in ata(4) in non-CAM mode.
> >>
> >>> repeated over and over, and then lots of these:
> >>>
> >>> Mar 16 07:38:21 maul kernel: ad4: WARNING - READ_DMA48 requeued due to channel reset LBA=617964479
> >>> Mar 16 07:38:21 maul kernel: ata2: FAILURE - already active DMA on this device
> >>> Mar 16 07:38:21 maul kernel: ata2: setting up DMA failed
> >>>
> >>> for different LBA values.
> >>>
> >>> As one might expect, I then start seeing I/O errors on the disk and programs
> >>> failing
> >>>
> >>> I've attached the 'pciconf -lv' output.
> >> Send me please full verbose log, if you can save it. I am especially 
> >> interested in place around first errors.
> >>
> >> You may try to build kernel with `options ATA_CAM` to see if it helps. 
> >> I've mostly tested this patch in that mode.
> > 
> > I tried setting `options ATA_CAM` but that didn't fix the problem. I still got
> > continuous ATA error messages spewed out while probing the ATA devices. I'm
> > not able to capture the verbose output as the system never successfully boots
> > and I don't have a serial console attached to the system.
> It's strange. Can you at least show errors you received in that case? I
> suppose they should be different from the original.

They were similar, though this time there was mention of CAM in them (which I
assumed was the result of using the CAM interface). The trouble is they roll
by quite fast and I'm unable to stop them from scrolling.

If this wasn't my most critical system I'd try debugging it more, but I really
can't afford for this machine to be out of service. I was hoping that someone
with one of these same motherboards:

in a less critical situation might have also seen the problem and been able to
do more debugging of it than I am inclined to.


> > For now, I plan to stay with the previous version of ata-intel.c since this is
> > my gateway system and I need for it to 'just work'.  :(
> -- 
> Alexander Motin

Bob Willcox              Trying to explain things to people who already know
bob at           everything is like trying to teach a bear to dance;
Austin, TX               it's useless, and it annoys the bear.

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