svn commit: r565330 - in head: . www www/palemoon www/palemoon/files

Olivier Certner olivier.freebsd at
Mon Feb 22 10:30:34 UTC 2021

Hi Gerald,

Actually, I've already switched to using "9:build" locally, which allowed me 
to remove the lines after '.include <>' (those that remove gcc* 
from RUN_DEPENDS). This is a progress, but not that big for this specific port 
at this point.

I think it would be great if the ports infrastructure allowed to specify 
building with GCC, but using libc++'s headers and linking against it, and also 
removing '-rpath', which is not necessary for a build-only dependency (I 
wonder if it is still necessary at all for runtime dependencies; might be for 
architectures that have not switched to clang; -rpath should be eliminated at 
most costs, but this is another discussion).

That would be a much bigger progress, and it can probably fix a bunch of other 
situations as well (in the past years, I stumbled against a problem with a C++ 
port that was built with GCC (and thus linked to libstdc++) for which I wanted 
to build an extension that had to be linked to another C++ library, already 
built... with clang/libc++; and it didn't work, as expected).

This also will open the way for the possibility of (gradually) having all 
ports containing C++ code and that are built with GCC be linked against libc++ 
by default (and linking against libstdc++ become the explicit exception) in 
order to avoid problems with mixing libc++ and libstdc++ problems, both in- 
and out-tree.

As for Pale Moon, I have already done the work, so I would not be the one to 
really benefit much in the short term. However, I would happily test changes 
in the infrastructure, and get rid of my Makefile manipulations once there are 
in place, because I'm positive this is the right way going forward. I even 
considered building a patch (of and submitting it, but I'm having 
more pressing issues at the moment. If you're interested, I can reconsider it 
in a few days (but don't wait for me; obviously, you can build upon what I did 
in Pale Moon's Makefile if you have the will and time).


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