svn commit: r553237 - in head: devel/py-cysignals lang/clisp math/eclib math/giacxcas math/gp2c math/lcalc math/pari math/pari_elldata math/pari_galdata math/pari_galpol math/pari_nftables math/par...

Yuri yuri at
Tue Oct 27 21:00:16 UTC 2020

Hi Thierry,

On 10/27/20 12:29 PM, Thierry Thomas wrote:
> ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cypari2/ Undefined symbol "isirreducible"

The function isirreducible has been deprecated in pari in favor of 
polisirreducible, see

In order to solve the problem this function needs to be renamed in 
cypari2/gen.pyx and cypari2/paridecl.pxd

Please let me know if you would like me to add the patch renaming this 


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