svn commit: r552114 - head/x11/gnome3

Ruslan Makhmatkhanov rm at
Mon Oct 12 19:22:03 UTC 2020

Matthias Andree wrote on 10/12/20 8:38 PM:
> Am 12.10.20 um 17:35 schrieb Ruslan Makhmatkhanov:
>> May we also remove brasero from default deps? Last release was more than
>> year ago and it's not common to burn CD's these days.
> Isn't the gnome3 at lite flavour meant for this purpose?

gnome3-lite lacks many packages that are indeed in general use 
(gnome-terminal, gdm, evince, gedit etc). But brasero (and ekiga), in my 
opinion, considered by many as inevitable evil, that nobody actually 
use, but should keep to make gnome suite look complete.

In earlier times, when every laptop had a cd-drive in it, I tried to use 
brasero multiple times after every major gnome release, but it was so 
raw, unstable (or just incompatible with FreeBSD), that I always 
switched to k3b or just used dvd+rw-tools directly.

Anyway, I don't call on removal of these ports, just ask to not install 
them by default, because right now for most of the users (imho) they do 
nothing except pulling unneeded dependencies.


T.O.S. Of Reality

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