svn commit: r556329 - head/math/nauty

Moritz Schmitt moritz at
Thu Nov 26 13:24:42 UTC 2020

Thierry Thomas (Nov 26, 2020):
> > +	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/addedgeg ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
> > +	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/assembleg ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
> 8<   8<   8<
> Is it only me? A .for loop as previously seems more readable than all
> these lines of ${INSTALL_PROGRAM}.
> (Yes, it produces the same result, this is just a matter of style)

It is indeed a matter of style, and if people object to it, I'm happy to
change it back.

My reason for getting rid of the for-loop is that I wanted to simplify
the Makefile and make it as straightforward as possible. Of course one
could have kept the non-standard PROGRAMS variable, but I wanted to add
a pkg-plist file anyway, and in the end it would have only saved 37
seven lines (and felt more convoluted to me).


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