svn commit: r554893 - head/Mk/Scripts

Jilles Tjoelker jilles at
Thu Nov 19 23:03:21 UTC 2020

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 11:41:57AM -0800, Bryan Drewery wrote:
> On 11/11/2020 5:29 AM, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> > Author: mat
> > Date: Wed Nov 11 13:29:52 2020
> > New Revision: 554893
> > URL:

> > Log:
> >   Add set pipefail in most framework scripts.

> >   set pipefail changes the pipeline return status from being the return
> >   status of the last command to the last non 0 exit status of any command
> >   in the pipeline.  This is needed to make sure all the commands in a
> >   pipeline did actually return a non 0 status and not only the last one.

> [snip]
> > Modified: head/Mk/Scripts/
> > ==============================================================================
> > --- head/Mk/Scripts/	Wed Nov 11 13:24:31 2020	(r554892)
> > +++ head/Mk/Scripts/	Wed Nov 11 13:29:52 2020	(r554893)
> > @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
> >  # MAINTAINER: portmgr at
> >  
> >  set -e
> > +set -o pipefail
> >  
> >  . "${dp_SCRIPTSDIR}/"
> >  
> > 

> This can prevent someone from upgrading from an unsupported release. The
> workaround is simple enough so I think we should take it rather than
> create burdens for people.

>     command set -o pipefail 2>/dev/null || :

Hmm, does an upgrade require building ports on an old release?

When scripts are written for use with 'set -o pipefail', allowing them
to run without it seems unwise.

Apart from that, I notice that the affected scripts contain various
pipelines where the sink terminates early so that a source might receive
SIGPIPE. For example in Mk/Scripts/

  if ! readelf -d "${dep_file}" | grep -q SONAME; then

If ${dep_file} is a really bloated library with lots of dependencies and
system load is high, it is possible that the pipe will not accept all
output at once, grep exits before reading all output and readelf
receives SIGPIPE as it attempts to write the rest. In this case, the
${dep_file} will be incorrectly considered as not having a SONAME.

In this particular case, not enabling pipefail happens to lead to the
expected result, since the expected error cases of readelf (no such file
or directory, invalid ELF file) do not cause any output to be written to
stdout. However, reasoning like this may not be a tenable approach at

An alternative is to use extra code to change a SIGPIPE exit to 0, like
what I included in the commit message when I added set -o pipefail to
Some of this code could be wrapped in a function so the calling code is
not cluttered too much. There will be one additional fork for the
process that modifies the exit status but not more ($(kill -l "$r") does
not fork).

Another alternative is to avoid commands that read a pipe partially.
Most uses of 'grep -q' that read from pipes can be replaced by
'grep >/dev/null', and more generically 'cmd1' can be replaced by
'{ cmd1 && cat >dev/null; }'. I expect the performance impact of the
additional useless processing to be low.

If the example I picked cannot actually cause trouble, there may be
other cases. There are various uses of 'grep -q' that read from pipes,
and I didn't search for things like 'head', 'grep -Fq' or 'while read'
loops that read from pipes and may break early.

Jilles Tjoelker

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